
DCP launches a new Resources Hub

DCP launches a new Resources Hub

A development corridor is a linear geographical area identified as a priority for investment to catalyse economic growth and development. Development corridors improve connections between rural and urban areas to increase trade, communications and services. For instance, by building infrastructure such as railways, roads and pipelines or developing agricultural value chains to create more opportunities …

Quantifying and visualising inter-dependencies in the water–energy–food nexus

Quantifying and visualising inter-dependencies in the water–energy–food nexus

By Declan Conway and Christian Siderius (Originally published on 25th August, 2020, as a Commentary on https://www.lse.ac.uk/granthaminstitute/news/quantifying-and-visualising-inter-dependencies-in-the-water-energy-food-nexus/ . The second paper discussed in this commentary, based on Tanzania’s Rufiji Basin, is a part of ongoing Development Corridors Partnership work. The publication can be found here) We often promote coordination as a goal, particularly in relation …

Tooling up to act for nature

Tooling up to act for nature

This World Environment Day, the theme is to “Act for Nature”. What does this call to action mean for scientific research? It is clear that the production of knowledge alone, while critically important, may not always be enough to make impact. Increasingly, a scientist’s call to action includes engaging at the ‘science-policy interface’. That is, …