Rob Marchant


Rob Marchant

As much of my research is focused in East Africa I have developed close collaborations with the numerous University, NGO, UN and Governmental institutions that have resulted and in a number of joint projects, publications and continued professional and organisational development. For example, within the Earth Science Research cluster at the National Museums of Kenya I contribute to a biannual public awareness day where NMK collaborators develop a series of interactive exhibits to engage public in the research we are conducting. With the University of Dar es Salaam I have been involved in the development of a Masters Course in Natural and Environmental Resource Management (NARAM) – this has been running for nine years and is a highly successful course with more than 300 applicants for an annual intake of c. 30 students.  In 2016 I was appointed as Associate Provost for Internationalisation with a focus on Europe, the Middle East and Africa.  The new and exciting role builds on a long-term commitment I have to develop multi-layered research and teaching collaborations with scientists and institutions across Europe and Africa.  I am a member of the Scientific Leadership Council (SLC) for the Mountain Research Initiative; a multidisciplinary scientific organization that addresses global change issues in mountain regions around the world through concerted efforts, diverse communication formats and various networking events. I sit on the World University Network (WUN) ‘Global Africa Group’ this combine expertise from across the WUN network to enhance the opportunities, build research collaborations, innovations and impact in support of Africa’s development agenda.

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