Paulo Lyimo

Post-doctoral Scientist

Paulo Lyimo

I gained a Bachelor of Science in Forestry in 2013 and a Master of Science in Ecosystems Science and Management in 2016 from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Specifically, I am experienced in modelling ecosystem services, biodiversity assessment and monitoring, biodiversity data management and publishing via GBIF, ecosystem-based adaptation management in Tanzania, community based natural resources management and participation, climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives, restoration of degraded landscapes, and other environmental issues. I’ve worked with a REDD+ pilot Project under WWF, York University and SUA.

Currently I am working as Postdoctoral Research Assistant under Development Corridors Partnership project in Tanzania. I work primarily on co-benefit assessments (social, environmental and climate resilience), contribution of natural capital/ecosystem services to local economic development and livelihoods, and valuation of natural capital and biodiversity.

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